Monday, July 13, 2009

Some things to start with:

Hi guys! I've been a little slow getting this up but I am now officially down with the flu and ordered to get lots and lots of bed rest so following said orders, I am in bed with my laptop warming my knees and catching up on some work.

First things first:

I am a 3rd year student at the National University of Singapore (NUS), majoring in Southeast Asian Studies and I am currently in Yogyakarta, Indonesia for an exchange with the Gadjah Mada University (UGM).

If you are reading this, you presumably also want to go on the semester away program - or you're just one of my friends who has been forced into proofreading this before I let all and sundry in. (Many thanks in advance for all the help, by the way.)

This blog will contain information on how to apply for the Semester Away program, the Temasek Foundation - NUS LEaRN award, and specific details on an exchange with UGM. For information on an exchange with Thammasat University or Vietnam National University, please read: